Data Analyst Nanodegree is of the finest and detailed courses present for online students to help out beginners who want to learn essential skills in Data Science. I started this course in December 2016 during my job as a Software Engineer and it helped me a lot in keeping myself updated with the necessary tools and languages that are required by Data Analysts. The skills you can learn are:

  • Python Programming and Libraries
  • Data Wrangling and Storage
  • Statistics
  • Machine Learning
  • Data Visualization

You can either pay the Nanodegree like I did for 6 months or If you want to have a glimpse you can go through all of the projects and their requirements using my Github Repositories.

  1. Investigate a Dataset using Python ===> Here

  2. Wrangle OpenStreetMap Data Using Python and MongoDB ===> Here

  3. Explore and Summarize Data Using R ===> Here

  4. Identify Fraud from Enron Mail Using Machine Learning ===> Here

  5. Titanic Data Visualization Using D3Js ===> Here

You can easily follow instruction Environment Setup to run each project. What really unique about this degree was the active community and 24/7 support of the tutors to review code and documentation of your Github even if you fail to submit before the deadline. They also provide guidance regarding creating a job effective resume, interview practice, cover letter, and LinkedIn Networking. You can check out the updated projects here where thay have even added Tableau as part of the degree as well this time.